Riverview Kennels

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Riverview’s VIP- Let’s Get Drake Adopted!

It’s been an incredible five weeks with Drake- our first Riverview VIP!

We have been on a wonderful journey of transformation. Our Very Important Pup was fostered from the South Coast Humane Society and over the last 35+ days, we have invested our love, energy, and services into Drake to prepare him for his future forever home.

The first blog post that tells his story is here.

You can find the second blog post, here.

And you can find the third post, here.

This fourth article will provide another update on Drake’s experience, but it will largely focus on how we will find the right forever home for Drakea together.

New Experiences

Two New Beach Trips

Drake has had two more beach experiences since our last update. He loved walking around the day-use area at Bullard’s Beach State Park. He rolled in the freshly mowed grass and watched the birds flying over the river. He dipped his toes in the water and didn’t whine while driving as much as he used to. He is noticeably more relaxed outside of the kennel environment.

Two Home Visits

We’ve taken Drake into a home environment twice lately. We want to expose him to different sights and sounds from a human home environment. He settled in nicely and took a nap in the sunshine. He got used to the weird sounds and sights of the washer and dryer and got the feel for a few visitors coming to the door. He did very well. We can see how beneficial it will be for him to have the comfort and convenience of a consistent home environment. It will take some getting used to, but it will cause him to thrive.

A Trip to the Vet

Drake had his first veterinarian experience since he came under our care. He was a little nervous, as we would have expected, but overall he did well. He has a follow-up appointment soon. After the trip to the vet, our team took him to Warehouse Coffee. He loved it there and was very calm and relaxed. He got a puppacino and a piece of bacon. He didn’t leave anything behind!

5 Steps to Adoption

Step 1: Apply for Adoption

The first step in the process is the application. We have designed a simple form on our website that takes 2-5 minutes to complete. This form will provide us with many of the core details we need to hear first from a prospective adoptive family or individual.

Step 2: Meet Drake

Once we receive an application, the next step will be scheduling a sequence of visits. These meetings will be at Riverview Kennels. The goal will be to measure compatibility. The prospective owner will get to hear more about Drake and see him in the kennel environment he has gotten used to. This will include watching him play with other dogs and meeting Drake on his schedule. Ideally, we would like to schedule one or two additional meetings in order to establish some healthy relationship-building time for Drake.

Step 3: Home Visit

Many adoption processes don’t include a home visit, but we feel it is necessary in order to build the partnership we envision through this process. During the home visit, a few of our team members will meet the prospective family or individual at their house. This will provide the family or individual with valuable input and feedback from our experts. Fresh eyes will look at your playspace and living space to provide input on matters related to safety.

Step 4: Adoption Day

This scheduled day will be a huge mixture of emotions. Joy and excitement will abound, but we’re sure there will be a few tears of joy shed as well as our team hands over Drake’s leash. We have gathered ample supplies for Drake that will be included in the transition.

Step 5: Post-Adoption Daycare & Training

Our hope is that someone near our facility will be the adoptive family or individual. If this is the case, we look forward to a time on the horizon after Adoption Day when we can schedule some complimentary daycare visits and some complimentary training. We want to ensure that these post-adoption events happen after the proper bond has been formed by Drake and his forever people. We will work together to find the right timing.

Help Us Find Drake a Home

We hope to discover a community of like-minded people who have followed Drake’s journey who will share his story far and wide. Together, we can play our part in this transformation journey from shelter to home!

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