Riverview Kennels

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Honoring the Johnsons

On the Shoulders of Giants

As the new owners of Riverview Kennels, we recognize that we stand on the shoulders of giants.

We didn’t build this business from the ground up but have received a legacy that was built by those who have gone before us. From our understanding, the original kennel facility was built in 1980. Eventually, the front office, cat condos, grooming station, and additional kennels were added by the 2000s. The business was originally called Pacific Pets ‘N’ More, but eventually, it was renamed Riverview Kennels. By 2012 Mary & Bill Johnson took ownership and for the last ten years, the business has operated as the premier pet boarding facility in all of Coos & Curry Counties.

Into the New Chapter

From the first time we saw the property online to the first moments that we set foot on the property, we have fallen in love with this space and all that it encompasses. The pastures, the woods, the pond, the views, and the amazing kennel facilities have stolen our hearts. We count it a huge blessing to be able to lead this business and property into its next chapters. We can’t wait to share more about the added value we plan to bring to an already amazing business.

As we navigate the first days of ownership we want to pause to honor Mary & Bill Johnson and those who came before them. We appreciate the manner in which the Johnsons have run the kennels and the amazing reputation they have stewarded in the community. We have watched many customers drop off their pets or pick up their animals, only to spend time catching up with Mary. The conversations were rich and personal. They conveyed the sincerity and heart with which Mary has run Riverview Kennels.

Help Us Say, ‘Thank You!’ to Mary

So, with that said, we want to say a huge, “Thank you!” to Mary & Bill Johnson for passing the baton to our family. We will run with endurance the race marked out before us.

Please use the comments below to share your gratitude for the Johnsons.